About the MRA

The Mayfield Recreational Association is a registered charity, number 700004. It provides sporting and social amenities to the people and clubs of Mayfield.

History of the MRA

By Mr Philip Barritt

In 1988 a meeting was held in the Memorial Hall in front of a large audience to discuss the possibility of the creation of a playing field and facilities with an entrance from Conygree Lane. After considerable discussion it was decided to go ahead with the project and to form a playing field committee. A number of names willing to serve on it were put forward. A steering committee ws first formed and then a proper committee. “You’re chairman” I was informed without any “would you be willing to take this position”!

One of the first tasks was to form and build up a stone entrance at a 45degree splay to the field (one of the planning conditions) and also a stone retaining wall alongside the road (Conygree Lane). This was achieved by willing helpers together with Ken Flint, a local building living in Mayfield.

Shortly after a meeting was held at the Rose and Crown, Mayfield, with two representatives from the West Midlands Sports Council to discuss our playing field plans together with Shirley Williams and myself. We put our case project forward which resulted in being offered a £9000 grant + £8000 interest free loan. A 200 Club was formed with the intention of paying off the loan and also future costs of planned playing field facilities such as crown green bowling surface construction, eventual sports paviliion, football pitch, multi-use games area (MUGA) and children’s play area. 200 Club members would pay £1 a week over 20 weeks, ending with a big draw with cash prizes for the last five ticket holders left in the draw – the top prize being £1000. This involved the collection of finance from members involved in the draw for the final draw to take place after 20 weeks. This proved successful in raising the necessary finance over a period of time to pay off our debts and also some future costs.

Planning permission for a new sports pavilion was obtained 26th June 1990. Previously a portakabin was used to accommodate various items for the field and also for a book sale to raise income.

The sports pavilion design would be a timber built structure on a reinforced concrete base slab together with an entrance ramp for the disable—it would also include a bowls section area / toilets / 2 changing rooms with showers (home/away football teams) / kitchen / food, drink and bar area /main social area.

Ken Flint took a week to form the pavilion foundation of reinforced concrete slabs on which the timber pavilion structure now stands (documents / plans available and photographs). When the pavilion was finally structurally completed an official opening ceremony took place with Kevin Hector (Derby County FC) invited to perform the task (photo available).

The total cost of the new pavilion structure was £41,000. This was gradually paid by money raised by the 200 Club.

Finance was also raised by having a field day with various stalls, sports activities, Mayfield clubs and societies displaying items for sale. Also a display by Morris Dancers in costume and a horticultural show with prizes. A marquee was installed for a musical evening plus a bondifre which put the marquee in danger with the wind blowing in a certain direction!

The Mayfield Recreational Assocation became registered Charity number 700004.

Recent / Required Improvements

Throughout the MRA history there have been various fundraising activities: Gala Days, Stalls, Morris Dancers etc.

It is planned to improve the football pitch surface. We also hope to renew the children’s play area and install an outdoor gym for everyone in the village from age 14, including the elderly and the disabled.